


1. 内容(30%)

- 文章是否紧扣主题,有无跑题。

- 是否有清晰的观点或论点,并且观点是否合理。

- 是否提供了足够的支持材料(如例子、数据等)。

2. 语言表达(40%)

- 词汇使用是否丰富、准确。

- 句子结构是否多样化,避免重复简单句。

- 是否能正确运用复杂句型和高级词汇。

3. 结构(20%)

- 文章是否有明确的开头、中间和结尾。

- 各段落之间是否有逻辑连贯性。

- 是否使用了适当的连接词(如however, therefore, besides等)来增强文章的流畅度。

4. 语法准确性(10%)

- 语法错误的数量和严重程度。

- 是否存在明显的拼写错误或标点符号使用不当的问题。

示例作文:《The Importance of Reading》


Reading is an essential activity in our daily lives. It not only helps us gain knowledge but also improves our thinking ability and emotional intelligence. In this essay, I will discuss the importance of reading and why it should be encouraged.

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Firstly, reading broadens our horizons. By reading books, newspapers, or online articles, we can learn about different cultures, historical events, and scientific discoveries. For example, reading about ancient civilizations can help us understand how societies have evolved over time. This exposure to diverse perspectives enriches our understanding of the world and makes us more open-minded.

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Moreover, reading enhances our cognitive abilities. Studies have shown that regular reading can improve memory, concentration, and critical thinking skills. When we read, we engage our brains in active processing of information, which strengthens neural connections. As a result, we become better problem solvers and decision-makers in both personal and professional settings.

Body Paragraph 3:

Finally, reading contributes to emotional well-being. Books provide an escape from stress and allow us to explore emotions through fictional characters. They teach empathy by helping us see the world from another person’s point of view. For instance, reading novels about overcoming adversity can inspire hope and resilience during challenging times.


In conclusion, reading plays a crucial role in shaping who we are as individuals. It equips us with knowledge, sharpens our minds, and nurtures our emotions. Therefore, everyone should make time for reading, whether it’s fiction, non-fiction, or self-help books. After all, the more we read, the richer our lives become.
